

Pricing for Membership and Intro Programs


Membership Contracts

All monthly membership contracts include unlimited classes. No enrollment fees.


3 Month Contract

$169 Monthly Rate

6 Month Contract

$139 Monthly Rate


12 Month Contract

$129 Monthly Rate

On-Ramp Programs

Adult On Ramp - These six weekly, 75-minute sessions will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of Muay Thai. Kicks, punches, knees, elbows, clinch, and defense will be covered.
Juniors On Ramp (10-14 year olds) - This series of four classes is for children who would like to try Muay Thai out, or would like to adapt their previous martial arts skills to our particular sport. These one hour sessions will cover kicks, punches, knees, and self defense.
All students will leave our On Ramp programs with the tools needed to confidently attend any of our fundamentals classes.


On-ramp program (ADULT)

Includes gloves and T-shirt
No contract required


On-ramp program (Juniors)

Includes gloves, shin guards, and T-shirt
No contract required